Friday, June 22, 2012

Being a Mama in Real Life

So I had some big plans last night and today.  Ok, not really that huge but I thought that I could get the dishes done, make a good dinner (its not very hot so I can use the oven!), and maybe even make a treat for Husband.  And then reality happened.  Little was pretty fussy all day and I noticed that she felt warm.  Yep, she is sick.

Last night Little had a fever of 102.  That meant a lot of crying (just her so far) and not a lot of sleep (Little, Husband, and myself).  Last night, not only did I get nothing done, but my sweet girl would only sleep if I was holding her.  I spent the entire night sitting on the couch holding my girl.  Throughout the night she would wake up absolutely screaming.

This morning I took her to the doctor because she wasn't nursing well and I wanted to see if there was anything else we could do. The doctor decided that she probably has a virus.  My poor girl is trying to sleep it off right now and I am wishing she would let me catch a nap too.

Being a mama in real life is simply not as easy and glamorous as movies and such make it look!

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