Thursday, October 4, 2012

Night one of sleep training: Torture

I've been missing for a while but sleep training seems like a big enough occasion to come back to the blog. Husband and I bought a house and moving in, keeping it clean, and caring for a now crawling baby has kept me so busy that I haven't found time for blogging.  Not to mention caring for the new chickens and dog!

Well, at her appointment today, the doctor confirmed my fear that we need to sleep train. It's better for babies to sleep through the night but teaching them to do so is very hard on parents.  Little gets up several times a night and only falls back to sleep when she is nursed.  That may be my fault...  Its so easy to let her nurse back to sleep!

I let her nurse herself to sleep and then put her in her crib at 8:30.  By 9:30, she had woken up already.  She put herself to sleep after what seemed like the longest 5 minutes of my life.

2:30 and she was awake again we comforted her but the yelling and crying didn't stop.  This time, Husband and I couldn't stand it.  I brought her to our bed and nursed her to sleep.

I guess its time to do some serious reading.  I have a book on hold at the library....  Its due today and I'm hoping I can get it and read it.  We will need to have our plan ready before we try again.  No more failure for us.  Maybe we'll try again tonight next week?

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