So here's my list of why we cloth diaper:
1. Cloth Diapers are cheap
Cloth diapers are way cheaper than disposable diapers. We have bought a supply of 10 covers and about 30 inserts. I probably spent $300 for all of them. That seemed like a lot of money to spend on diapers but when I figured out that I could use the same diapers for how ever long Little is in diapers, the price looks a lot more reasonable.
I try to air dry my diapers most of the time. I did some research and dryer cycles cost about $1 per load. If you are washing diapers twice a week, that can add up. That would be over $100 per year.
2. You can use the same diapers on every child you have
I plan on using the diapers we have now for 4 more children. That means a couple thousand more diapers that I won't be buying.
3. Cloth Diapers keep thousands of diapers out of the landfill every year
Babies use anywhere from 1000-3000 diapers every year. Most diapers are made of plastics and take hundreds of years to decompose. Our diapers won't go to the landfill. They are diapers now, they will be cleaning rags when our kids are out of diapers.
4. Kids who are in cloth diapers potty train an average of 12 months earlier
That's a couple thousand diapers I won't be changing. Need I say more?
5. There are no chemicals touching your baby's skin
I have super sensitive skin. Little does too. Disposable diapers are full of all sorts of chemicals. I don't want those chemicals touching my baby's sensitive skin.
6. Cotton is way softer than plastic
Cotton against the skin feels better than plastic right? I love that cotton is what is touching Little.
7. Cloth diapers are super cute
Little has solid colored cloth diapers. There are a ton of options of colors and prints available. That means that her diapers can match her outfits and when she is in dresses, I am never fussing with diaper covers.
8. Cloth diapers are convenient
I never run out of diapers. If Little is having a bad day and we are low on diapers, that's fine. We don't have to go to the store. I don't have to take her into the rain or the hot hot summer. We can get some fresh diapers at home and quickly!
9. Disposable diapers contain Dioxin
Dioxin is a known carcinogen (causes cancer). I don't want even trace amounts of that against my baby's skin!
love cloth diapers. They are
wonderful. I love to talk about them. I love to tell people about them. I don't even mind changing them and washing them. Want to hear more about them? Have any questions? Do you cloth diaper your kiddo? I would love to hear about what you are doing. Please comment and follow me! Thanks!
Check these out for more information on cloth diapers:
How to Cloth Diaper Your Baby #1 Options
How to Cloth Diaper Your Baby #2 Diapering
How to Cloth Diaper Your Baby #3 Laundry
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