If you have ever researched cloth diapers, you will know that there are a TON of options out there. All in ones, All in twos, pocket diapers, one size, diaper covers.... What does that all mean?
I asked a few friends who had cloth diapered their babies and I decided to try a couple different kinds of diapers. The biggest concerns I had when choosing what I would use was how well they worked, how long they would take to dry, and how much they cost. Husband makes good money but it seemed insane to me to spend $500 or more to get a set of cloth diapers.
Since cost was one of my main considerations, I really like the idea of one-size diapers. One size diapers have some way to adjust their size to fit a variety of babies from birth to potty training. One issue that people seem to have with them is that they are too large for many newborns. I planned on just using disposable diapers until Little was big enough. Since she was born at 9lbs 14oz, she was actually able to fit one size diapers from birth.
The diapers I bought were Fuzzibunz, Bum Genius 4.0 one size snap, and Flip one size snap. Fuzzibunz and Bum Genius are both pocket diapers meaning that they are a waterproof layer with a microfiber layer against baby's skin. There is a pocket between the layers that you put some sort of absorbent liner. Flip are simple diaper covers. That means that they are a waterproof layer and you tuck an absorbent liner into flaps in front and behind and that liner is touching baby's skin.
The benefit of diaper covers like Flip is that they can be used more than once. For a pee diaper or a poop diaper that stays on the liner, you can use the same cover and a new liner for a diaper change. I also discovered that it is easy to use old fashioned prefold diapers as a liner with Flip covers.
In the end, I got rid of the Fuzzibunz and Bum Genius diapers and I have just been using Flip.
Come back tomorrow to see how I cloth diaper Little!
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